SUSTAINABILITYBe Live Experience Orotava

Tenerife, Spain


Access the Be Green Bookhere and find information about our hotel, our commitment to the environment and our commitment to local society as well as to our island of Tenerife.


The Senior Management of BE LIVE HOTELS tourist accommodation is committed to protecting the environment and strives to reduce the operational impact of our establishments.
We continuously look for opportunities to minimize waste generation through recycling, reduction and reuse of waste.
We assess our activities, products and services and monitor their impact on the environment, both present and future, in order to prevent pollution from the outset.

We effectively and efficiently manage hazardous substances, by training the staff and authorized managers.
We involve all our stakeholders (shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, subcontractors and local community) in the management of environmental processes with the aim to promote their support and recognition.
We appreciate the natural surroundings in which our establishments are located, from the local flora and fauna to the local community, in such a way that we actively collaborate in their preservation and economic growth.
We establish criteria in the selection of suppliers on the basis of their commitment to the environment, through the prevention and control of carbon emissions generated by the transport of goods.

We fit out specific areas such as recycling bins in communal areas that enable everyone to recycle waste, as well as recycling points for the management of hazardous and special waste.
We give recognition to our hotel staff by publishing in Be News their efforts, a magazine that is distributed to agencies, tour operators and end customers during trade fairs.
We work in compliance with international, national and regional legislation.
We set targets and goals in order to efficiently manage, and also to not waste, water and energy.
We involve our staff and younger kids with the aim of raising awareness about the future of our planet.
We hold and maintain up-to-date this policy, which is available to everyone through all channels (website, Channel TV, tablets and information panels).


The senior management of Be Live Hotels hotel chain aims to ensure good relations among the establishment, the local community and its businesses.
Be Live Hotels ensures that its social and economic impacts are beneficial to the local community, where possible. In this way, the establishment strives to minimize and eliminate any possible negative impact.
The objectives of the Management Policy with the community are as follows:

- Certification. In order to meet the criteria of sustainability, including socio-economic impacts and well-being of the staff, the establishment is putting all its efforts to obtain the Travelife Gold certification during this year.

- Promotion of responsible tourism in the area. Be Live Hotels undertakes to maintain a close relationship with the local community, ensuring the respect of the area where our hotels are located, warning our customers about the importance of caring for and protecting the flora and fauna of the place, and also to not participate in the sale of zoo tickets or any place in which animals are the main attraction.
Our hotel chain is committed to local trade of each hotel, and therefore, local theme dinners are organized weekly in our restaurants and buffets in order to promote and make known the local food.

- Purchasing policy. Be Live Hotels buys and promotes products that are produced locally, ensuring that they meet the preventive measures of health and safety, in addition to the quality required by our customers. This fact helps to reduce CO2 emissions resulting from the transport of products produced outside the location of our hotels.

- Employment. The establishment recognizes the importance of employing local staff as a preference, in order to collaborate with the local economy. The policy preserves the place of destination, which is the basis for future customers and for those who repeat destination.

- Donations and social contributions. Our hotel chain donates articles such as furniture or bed linen, which are not used anymore in the business, to local organizations that can take advantage of them (Cáritas, schools, hospitals, other NGOs...)

Be Live Hotels collaborates with Make a Wish Foundation, which grants wishes to children with serious and terminal illnesses.
Be Live Hotels collaborates actively in local festivals informing customers and organizing local theme dinners at the hotel. Likewise, the hotel facilities are offered for the use and enjoyment of the local community.


For Be Live Hotels, it is very important to provide a safe and friendly environment to our employees, customers and suppliers in each of our hotels.
For this reason, we have the tools that provide us a preventive control in the following health and safety areas:

1. Fire protection

We have fire emergency procedures. All our hotels have an endorsed and updated self-protection Plan. Fire-fighting equipments are reviewed periodically. We provide training to our staff annually.

2. Food hygiene

Our staff handling food has the corresponding license. By means of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), control measures are applied in the potential dangers and risks in terms of food hygiene. In addition, every year pest controls are performed.

3. Pools, Spa and Hydromassage bathtub

We have placed warning panels informing about the safety standards on the use of the pool and relax areas. There are emergency procedures and guidelines that are strictly followed to keep vessels clean and disinfected.

4. General safety

Technical Building Codes are met in order to reduce the possibility of injuries caused by slips, trips and falls.

5. Fossil fuels, heating, air conditioning and electrical systems installations

Our maintenance staff receives continuous training to reduce the possibilities of a poor performance in an emergency event due to lack of knowledge of the procedure. Gas appliances, air conditioners, heating and electrical systems are installed, checked and maintained by qualified persons. We have procedures for refrigerant gas leak detection.

6. Security in the handling of chemicals and hazardous substances

All the staff handling chemicals receives training. Work Instructions and Best Practices are available and explained by the Environment Manager of the hotel, and they are also placed near the product.

7. Water management

We take daily, weekly, monthly and annual measures in order to prevent pollution of the water for human consumption, both hot and cold. In addition, all hotels have authorization for the connection to public sewer systems and analytical testing is carried out regularly.

8. Occupational Risk Prevention

The occupational risk prevention team visits our establishments every year to ensure the safety of our employees.


The social commitment of Be Live Hotels is to support and promote positive work environment, the professional fulfillment of each and every employee as well as to respect the employment rights. In addition, our company is committed to respecting and contributing towards the economic development of the local community in which the different hotel establishments are located.
The headquarters are located in Globalia business centre, in Polígono de Son Noguera of Llucmajor, Mallorca (Spain) and the whole hotel chain employs more than 3,800 people, distributed in 3 different continents.
In Be Live Hotels:

1. We value our team and treat them fairly and with respect, in order to ensure that no one is discriminated against because of the age, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability.

2. We are committed to providing the necessary training to support our employees in their professional career within our company.

3. We comply with the laws and State regulations affecting our employees.

4. We employ local people, where possible.

5. We ensure that all our employees understand the terms and conditions set forth in their employement contracts.

6. We recognize the right to trade union membership.

7. We offer a living wage, never below the minimum wage stipulated by law.

8. We have a protocol in the event of Sexual Harassment and Harassment on Grounds of Sex, which is available to all employees via the Intranet.

9. We encourage our staff to follow the commitments to sustainability supported by the company, in such a way that they understand their respective roles and contribute towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of Be Live Hotels.

Our hotel chain sets social objectives annually. This year, the planned objectives are as follows:
a) Training: From January 2016, 100 percent of employees will be trained in order that they understand their responsibilities for sustainability adopted by the company.

b) Equality Plan: The measures of the Equality Plan are being implemented in all Spanish hotels.

c) Recruitment: It is set a target of 5 percent in the recruitment of employees from the local community.

The Senior Management of Be Live Hotels supports and signs this policy with the intention of protecting the well-being at work of its employees.


This year 2016, Be Live Hotels has implemented the Quality Assurance Policy in all its Spanish hotels in order to provide an improved and consolidated service not only in terms of accommodation, but also in restaurants, offering a high quality local cuisine, and also improving the range of treatments and Spa facilities.
Quality is important to our business since it gives an added value to our customers. In Be Live hotels we strive to offer our customers the best services that meet and exceed their expectations. We are committed to the continuous improvement system and, therefore, we have established procedures that ensure Quality and provide a standard to follow, which can be measurable and help us to improve our performance.
We have the following procedures and systems established in the whole hotel chain, which help us to achieve our goal of total customer satisfaction:

1. Family and close relationship with our customers

2. Ensuring the quality of service and products offered to our customers

3. Collection and monitoring of customers complaints and suggestions

4. Regular monitoring of customer satisfaction and once the comments and/or complaints are identified, we adopt the measures to improve our service

5. Promoting team work and positive work environment

6. Training and professional development for all our employees

7. Complying with the law and rules applicable in each of our hotels

8. Measurable quality objectives, which reflect our service level standards

The internal procedures, instructions, policies and manuals of Be Live Hotels are reviewed on a regular basis and the Quality objectives are released in different ways in order to keep all employees informed: bulletin boards, intranet, team meetings, etc.
Although the Senior Management of Be Live Hotels has the ultimate responsibility for the Quality, all employees are involved in their own areas of work, helping to ensure that quality is embedded in all our facilities.


For Be Live Hotels, tourism is an important source of revenues for countries, areas and places and brings undoubted benefits such as economic development, cultural exchange and international promotion of a particular place, among others.

Tourism is increasingly more accessible for everyone and a growing number of people have the opportunity to visit more places. However, in the same proportion that tourism has increased, undesirable situations have arisen, such as sex trafficking of children and adolescents.

The tourist infrastructure that serves to facilitate the accommodation of customers and helps them to enjoy a good vacation can be also, unconsciously, a space to promote and engage in sexual activities with minors.

In this sense, the tourism sector has a great social responsibility to avoid these harmful situations in the communities and, therefore, we must act together to prevent child abuse.

Be Live Hotels rejects this type of tourism and therefore:

1. We maintain a policy of opposition to child sexual exploitation

2. We do not allow the commercialization of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in our facilities

3. We raise awareness among our employees about the problem, and we also inform them about the existing laws and the risk of not reporting it

4. We train all the staff in order to identify and report suspicious activities

5. We work in compliance with the applicable laws and cooperate with governmental and non-governmental organizations prosecuting these offences


If an employee suspects that a child is suffering from abuse of any kind, he/she must notify immediately his/her manager and provide detailed information about what he/she has heard or seen or, failing that, he/she must inform the competent authorities handling gender-based violence or child sexual abuse, by calling 062.

As humans, we are committed to protecting our children and adolescents against exploitation of all kinds, both professionally and personally.

Llucmajor, February 2016


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